
Exchange Traded Fund ACTIVA BALANCED ETF - Admission to trading on the Exchange Traded Products Segment of the BSE Main Market

We would like to inform you that the Financial Supervision Commission by Decision № 193-DF / 11.03.2022 issued an approval to the MC "Activa Asset Management" AD to change the Rules of the Exchange Traded Fund ACTIVA BALANCED ETF. In connection with the above, Exchange traded fund ACTIVA BALANCED ETF is starting for trading on Exchange Traded Products Segment of the BSE Main Market on 06.04.2022.

- UIC: 175373053
- LEI code of the fund: 74780060663HISKHE671
- ISIN of the issue of units: BG9000019075
- BSE code of the issue of units: ACTB
- CFI code of the issue: CIOIRS
- Type of units: Dematerialised, registered and freely transferable
- Amount of the issue: Floating
- Nominal value per unit: BGN 10.00 /ten Bulgarian leva/
- Issuance currency: BGN
- Currency of trading: BGN
- Segment MIC: ZBUL
- One trading lot: One (1) unit
- Starting date of trading: 06 April 2022 (Wednesday)
- The indicative reference price set for the first trading session is BGN 2.1650.
